Staff are benefiting from new mobile X-ray machines which allow them to work more efficiently.
Thanks to a successful bid for funding to NHS Improvement, the radiology departments at Scunthorpe and Grimsby hospitals have received four additional mobile X-ray machines to support the COVID-19 response.
The digital Samsung machines are on loan to Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust (NLaG) for a year. They are used to perform X-rays on patients on the wards or in A&E who are not well enough to visit radiology to have an X-ray done.
The two machines at Scunthorpe are now in use and the other two at Grimsby will be in use shortly following training at both sites.
Keiley Somers, head of radiology at Scunthorpe hospital, said: “When visiting a ward, ICU or Resus, we are frequently asked to carry out scans on patients. The new Digital Radiography (DR) mobiles enable us to do this instantly as the detector can be used multiple times, making it more time efficient.
“Additional benefits are the image appears instantly. The staff are delighted with the new equipment.”
Clare Harding, deputy head of general radiology at Grimsby hospital, said: “The biggest thing for us is it will reduce repeat X-rays. We can also see the scans straight away. It is revolutionary technology and I think it is very exciting.”
Ruth Kent, head of clinical sciences at the Trust, said: “We are very grateful to have received these machines on loan. They will make a huge difference to the staff undertaking mobile X-rays for patients who are not well enough to travel to the department to have their X-ray – especially those in our critical care units and resuscitation areas.”