UK imaging charity Cobalt Health is the first in the UK to implement the Innovision in-bore infotainment solution from Siemens Healthineers, delivering an impressive video and sound experience as patients lie on the MRI table. The introduction of Innovision comes as the medical charity upgrades its imaging facilities to include the award-winning MAGNETOM Sola 1.5T MRI system. The combination of in-bore infotainment technology and wide-bore MAGNETOM Sola is part of a project to enhance the charity’s claustrophobia management service and improve patient experiences. Since the implementation of Innovision, every patient has been able to have their scan successfully.
With a claustrophobia management service operational for over 15 years, Cobalt receives claustrophobic patient referrals from throughout the UK – providing imaging for patients otherwise unable to go through with vital examinations. Modern equipment such as the MAGNETOM Sola MRI system from Siemens Healthineers is central to alleviating patient anxiety. Offering wide bore systems, comfortable scanning beds and adjustable lighting, Cobalt strives to improve the patient experience. The addition of the Innovision in-bore infotainment solution is the final step in creating a positive scanning experience.
The introduction of Innovision at Cobalt offers patients of the claustrophobia management service a video and sound experience from the minute they lie down. A unique memory-foam pillow offers improved patient comfort whilst reducing scan noise and delivering clear audio from the chosen video or music and the MRI radiographer. The in-bore video display is designed to make the screen appear virtually larger, keeping patients updated on the progress of their scan whilst playing videos or music.
Now in use at the Cobalt Health clinic in Cheltenham, the recently installed MAGNETOM Sola MRI system is benefitting from Innovision, where it is also helping to streamline workflows for the service. With patients distracted by Innovision, many of those previously opting for feet-first scanning are able to complete examinations in the traditional head-first orientation – reducing the need for moving and handling between appointments and enabling the MRI team to spend more time caring for the patient’s needs.
“The MAGNETOM Sola MRI system from Siemens Healthineers was the perfect fit for us,” states Karen Hackling-Searle, Head of MRI at Cobalt Health. “It is an excellent scanner with a broad range of imaging capabilities, the latest acceleration techniques reducing scan time and superb image quality, which is important for some of our more complex diagnostic work. When we discovered Innovision we immediately recognised the transformative potential for our claustrophobic and anxious patients. We had the experienced team and equipment to support these patients and Innovision was the natural next step. It isn’t uncommon for patients to feel anxious or claustrophobic, but the reassurance patients have expressed with this technology is fantastic. Previously, some patients were unable to have scans on other systems but with Innovision, every scan has been successful.”
Alistair Piggot, MR Business Manager at Siemens Healthineers GB&I, states “Having showcased Innovision at a trade show to Cobalt Health, we were delighted to hear the charity would be putting the Innovision to use in its claustrophobia management service. It is great to see that Innovision is having a positive impact on patient experiences – it was designed to keep patients engaged throughout an MRI exam with customisable content, but also to keep them informed about their remaining scan time.”
Learn more about the Innovision in-bore infotainment solution at: