NHS Cheshire & Merseyside ICS has collaborated with Cambridge based AI & Machine learning specialists C2-Ai to deliver remarkable improvement in outcomes for patients with COPD undergoing surgeries in the region.
Profiled in the ‘i’ weekend newspaper, the initiative employed the C2-Ai waiting list triage system already in use by the ICS to identify COPD patients at-risk of developing pulmonary post-operative complications and offer them targeted health coaching.
Despite an expected complication rate of up to 12% leading to the development of post-operative chest infections, none of the 150 trial cohort members went on to experience post-surgical complications.
As Professor Rowan Pritchard-Jones, Executive Medical Director, NHS Cheshire & Merseyside ICS says:
“We are getting more sophisticated in the way we deliver our care to improve outcomes for at-risk patients and make the best use of our challenged NHS resources.”
Dr Mark Ratnarajah, Praticising NHS Paediatrician & Managing Director (UK) C2-Ai also adds:
“Work in Cheshire and Merseyside is finding previously hidden high-risk patients on waiting lists, managing that risk by translating insight into action, and creating smart triage at the front end.”
A recent BMJ publication, co-authored by Professor Pritchard-Jones, discussing the use of AI & machine learning in clinical risk management can be found here – https://informatics.bmj.com/content/30/1/e100687
For more information on the ‘Waiting Well’ initiative, we recommend reading the full article available here – https://inews.co.uk/news/nhs-waiting-lists-artificial-intelligence-reducing-long-delays-2216621
For HSJ subscribers, a version of the article can be accessed here – https://www.hsj.co.uk/expert-briefings/the-download-intervention-on-the-waiting-list/7034448.article
Please visit https://c2-ai.net/ to find out more about C2-Ai.