Pictured above: residents at Headingley Hall practise their new singing skills gained at the Opera North workshops, funded by Westward Care’s chosen bath supplier Gainsborough Specialist Bathrooms.
Gainsborough Specialist Bathrooms, the chosen supplier of specialist baths to Westward Care, has donated to the Leeds Headingley Hall care home so that residents can benefit from unique Opera North singing workshops.
Headingley Hall is one of three care establishments located on the outskirts of Leeds operated by Westward Care Limited. Westward Care provides a range of assisted accommodation including 30 self-contained apartments, 57 residential beds and diverse respite services. The Headingley Hall complex encompasses a range of communal facilities for social living including five specialist bathrooms specifically designed for safe accessible bathing.
Each individual apartment and residential room has adapted showering however Westward Care believes the option to bathe is essential for improved well-being, mood and mobility. Hence Gainsborough Specialist Bathrooms has provided five power-assisted baths with variable-height functionality and bather transfer seats. This means residents can enjoy soaking and relaxing independently or with the help of a carer. Westward recently invested in the latest Gentona bath from Gainsborough which is renowned for advanced support, ultra-efficiency and maximum hygiene. This installation, along with Gainsborough’s focus on ‘life enhancement’, led to the manufacturer donating to the care home’s activity budget.
With a contribution from Gainsborough, Opera North, the Leeds-based national opera company, was commissioned to deliver a series of singing workshops at Headingley Hall. Vocal delivery artists and accompanists provided the opportunity for residents to hone their musical skills while experiencing the pleasure of singing within a group. These three sessions were very popular with around 40 residents attending each workshop which involved vocal exercises, informal training and group performances. Feedback from residents was extremely positive with many seeing both the fun and therapeutic side of the activity.
Care home management were equalled impressed with Opera North as Peter Hodkinson, Managing Director of Westward Care, said: “We were thrilled to be able to offer all of our residents this unique and rich singing experience – Opera North delivered excellent sessions that were rewarding for all. We pride ourselves on the innovative and tailored activities we provide in all our facilities and thank Gainsborough Specialist Bathrooms for funding these opera workshops.”
Sharon Earnshaw, Headingley Hall Manager, added: “I concur with Peter in thanking Gainsborough for its kind donation – the Opera workshops were so memorable and generated such a positive atmosphere. Equally, our Gainsborough baths provide that feel-good factor which perfectly emulates our care ethos here at Westward Care. Having access to bathe in a safe and relaxed manner, with ultimate care and dignity, is vital for our residents. Safer working practices for our carers through power assisted technology is equally as important. We are proud to offer such a diverse range of facilities here with a view to supporting independence and inclusion for all.”