New research from Anchor, England’s largest not-for-profit provider of specialist housing and care for people in later life, reveals that if your new year’s fitness resolutions have slipped[1], now is the perfect time to reset your goals. 60% of the nation feel more motivated to get active during the spring and summer months and encouragingly, 72% wish they were more physically active.
In response, Anchor and presenter and fitness guru ‘The Green Goddess’ are uniting to encourage the nation to get active this spring.
With Anchor’s research finding that 39% of the nation plan to spend Easter with loved ones and that 41% would prefer to be active with others, Easter weekend could be the perfect time to get moving with loved ones. Whether it’s going for a short walk with friends and family, doing some gardening, or Easter egg hunts, spring provides more opportunities to get outdoors and get moving as the weather warms up.
Anchor’s colleagues and residents have already been showing the nation how it’s done through their inclusive #MoveIntoMarch initiative. Having clocked up an impressive 566.6 hours of activity during March by finding fun ways to get active – from Anchor’s own Zest and Be Active workout series to sociable walks and talks – Anchor is urging the nation to get active to benefit their wellbeing.
Anchor’s research highlights how physical activity and wellbeing go hand in hand, as 65% of the nation feel better when they’ve spent time being active during the day, increasing to 72% of older people. In later life, over half (51%) say being active brings them joy and 72% say it benefits their mental wellbeing. With recent research revealing how exercising just once a month can reduce the risk of dementia[2], the benefits of being active extend far beyond day-to-day wellbeing.
Helen Core, Wellbeing Manager at Anchor, says: “Supporting our residents to enjoy movement in later life is something we champion here at Anchor – we see the benefits first-hand every day. This is just one example of how our colleagues make a meaningful difference in the lives of residents. As England’s largest not-for-profit provider of housing and care for people in later life, we’re also in a great position to nurture and support colleagues.
“Our Zest Wellbeing programme is one of the ways we support our residents’ wellbeing, through inclusive movements that everyone can enjoy. This spring, we’re encouraging the public to join in and show us how they’re getting moving on social media.”
Presenter and fitness guru Diana Moran aka ‘The Green Goddess’, a long-time advocate for health and wellbeing in later life, has been enjoying inclusive workouts with Anchor’s residents. She said: “Being active is crucial for our health and wellbeing, especially as we get older. Adding more movement into your life doesn’t have to mean setting unachievable goals – it can simply mean spending time in the garden or taking a gentle walk on a warm spring day.
“I’m inspired to see that so many of Anchor’s residents have been getting active with their inclusive #MoveintoMarch initiative. I am incredibly passionate about encouraging people of all ages to get moving more and what better time to start or restart those fitness resolutions than when getting together with family and friends for Easter or springtime celebrations!”
Mary Wood (96), from Anchor’s Lakehead Court retirement scheme in Keswick walks around one-two miles every day. She said: “I really enjoy walking and always have; I walk almost every day. It provides me with the opportunity to socialise and meet friends and family along the way. I usually go on my own, but I just love going out, getting some fresh air, and getting my body moving.
I walk regardless of the weather and what time of year it is, but I especially love walking in spring and summer mainly to see the beautiful scenery and spring flowers. I am so looking forward to doing that this year as the spring season approaches.”
Anchor offers its inclusive physical activity programme Zest Wellbeing across all its care locations. Zest sessions are designed to be suitable for all needs and abilities and feature a mix of active routines, dance moves, mobility work, and gentle moving and stretching to make sure there is something to suit everyone.
Recordings of Zest sessions are also available to residents via the Zest Wellbeing YouTube channel, making them accessible at any time. Be Active, available across all locations, including specialist housing, offers a range of online resources including exercise routine videos, podcasts and tips on how to keep the mind and body active. This includes the 10 Today series, a programme made up of 10-minute audio workouts hosted by Anchor resident and qualified fitness instructor, Terry Keen. These inclusive programmes provide resources and opportunities for everyone to stay active and live healthy lifestyles, no matter their age and ability.
Get involved by posting pictures of you being active on Twitter and tagging @AnchorLaterLife so we can see what you get up to!
For inspiration look at the hashtag #MoveIntoMarch or visit to see how Anchor’s residents and colleagues have been getting moving.