Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is extremely important to keeping a good quality of life, but it’s not just about hitting the gym; you need to care of your whole body, from the inside and outside. The cold therapy experts at have come up with the most important ways to keep your body happy and healthy in a bid to boost your physical health…
Sleep well
The best thing you can do for your body is to rest it. Sleeping allows your body to repair and restore itself and the brain to recharge. It’s recommended for an adult to get eight hours of sleep a night, but it’s not always that easy, especially with all the distractions of modern technology. Put your phone away an hour before you go to sleep, and don’t be tempted by watching one more episode – the blue-light technology will keep you awake far longer than you want to be awake for.
Get outdoors
There’s nothing better than getting some fresh air. Sunlight gives your body essential vitamin D that will help to keep your bones healthy and your mood boosted. Getting out and about is also a great way to reset your energy levels, so take a walk at lunchtime or when you start to feel run down, to help keep yourself motivated.
Regular exercise
There’s no escaping the fact that exercise is a vital part of keeping your body in tip-top condition. Having a good workout plan will make sure that you look after every part of your body, from your lungs and heart, to your muscles and bones. Not only does exercise keep your body healthy, it’s also a great way to keep a routine in your life. Whether you go once a week or every day, a strong regime will keep your brain healthy too.
Staying hydrated
Water is a necessity to us and our bodies as it fuel most bodily functions. Dehydration can be a real issue; it can make you feel unfocused, faint and can cause headaches. Not drinking enough water can also give you low mood, lead to grumpiness and make you feel extremely tired. Water makes up 60% of our bodies, so it’s clear to see why it’s so important to drink enough. Doctors recommended we all aim to drink around six to eight glasses of water a day, so carry a bottle in your bag for when you’re at work or at the gym.
Maintain a healthy diet
Eating right is so important to your overall physical health. Getting five portions of fruit and veg is crucial to keeping a healthy diet, so think about adding in some greens to your meals or waking yourself up with a fruit smoothie. Starchy carbohydrates should make up a third of what you eat and you should look to add carbs that are high in fibre to your meals, including pasta, rice, potatoes and bread. Having a good diet will help fight illness, fatigue and keep your body properly regulated.
Take some time for self-care
It is perfectly normal to sometimes need a break. Overdoing it can put your body through unnecessary stress, which then can cause illness or health issues. Schedule in some you-time once a week to relax and de-stress. Take a walk, have a warm bath or just enjoy a good book to clear your mind and reset your week. Your mental wellbeing is just as important to your physical health as exercise.
Take a break from screens
It’s tough to not be constantly surrounded by phones, computers and TV screens in modern life. Staring at screens for prolonged periods of the day can have an effect on your eyesight and can make you feel tired and unable to concentrate. Although it’s impossible to avoid if you work at a computer, be sure to take plenty of breaks where possible, and try to take a break from technology for an hour or so, especially before bed.
Take care of your body after a workout
It’s just as important to look after your body following a workout, as it is to warm up before starting a workout. Take care to look after the parts of the body you’ve used during your sports or exercise, by stretching out and relaxing your muscles – this will help prevent both DOMS and injury. If you have picked up an injury, make sure you use the correct treatment, whether that be cold therapies, resting or light movement and rehabilitation.
Wash your hands regularly
You may think that you’re doing your best to ward of viruses and diseases, but there are often things beyond your control exposing you to possible illnesses. From public spaces, such as bathrooms and transport, to computer keyboards and mobile phones, germs can get everywhere. That’s why washing your hands regularly throughout the day can help fight off infections, especially before you eat.
Try to cut down your sugar and salt intake
There’s no need to completely get rid of your favourite snacks, but cutting down on sugary drinks or salty foods can help to maintain overall health. Consuming a high level of salt or sugar can make you feel sluggish and tired throughout the day, contributing to higher blood pressure. Instead of adding salt to your meals, why not use spices to give your meals a bit of flavour and look to replace sugar with substitutes.