With a high level of inpatient falls continuing to challenge the NHS, Static Systems has introduced bed exit alert to its Lnx™ wireless connectivity system, helping to make staff aware within the shortest possible time that a patient has left their bed.
Lnx Bed Exit Alert is a self-contained solution that can be easily retrofitted to a nurse call system in a matter of minutes. The existing patient hand unit is simply replaced with its Lnx equivalent and paired to a pressure mat placed on the floor alongside the patient bed.
With no need for additional infrastructure or re-programming, the pressure mat forms an integral part of the nurse call system, adopting the characteristics of other patient-to-staff alarms, including follow-the-light operation and alerts at the nurse station and smart devices.
The equipment is portable so can be easily relocated to an alternative bed area as occupancy changes – eliminating the need to purchase a device for every bed.
“We are very conscious of the financial impact that falls can have on a Trust, both in terms of extended length of stay and additional care costs on discharge. And even if a fall does not cause physical injury it can cause anxiety and distress for the patient and their family, explains Static Systems’ marketing manager, Jennie Terry.
Jennie adds: “With the majority of UK hospitals already using our patient-to-nurse communication systems we wanted to develop a bed exert alert product that uses the existing nurse call infrastructure and operates in a manner already familiar to staff. Having taken this approach we are able to provide a cost-effective solution for Trusts which is more reliable than a standalone alternative and brings greater peace of mind to patients.”
Another benefit of integrating bed exit alert with the nurse call system is that bedhead, room and en-suite lighting can be automatically switched on at a specified level as the patient steps onto the mat, avoiding the patient having to move around in the dark.
The Lnx system also supports remote nurse call buttons, special needs call units and bedroom door alarm, as well as providing a convenient connection point for third-party systems, such as enuresis alarm and infusion pump alert – all helping to better manage the patient environment and improve wellbeing.
For further information visit: www.staticsystems.co.uk/lnx-task-integration.aspx or email: sales@staticsystems.co.uk