The meaning of nano
“Nano”, a unit prefix meaning “one billionth” or a factor of 10 to the -9 (0.000000001), is a minuscule measurement most often used in science and electronics for units of time & length. To put it in everyday context, one nanometer is approximately equivalent to the length a fingernail grows in one second. If a toy marble was scaled down to one nanometer in diameter, the Earth would be scaled down to only about 1m in diameter.
A nanoparticle
A nanoparticle is an ultrafine particle sized between 1-100 nanometers (nm) in diameter. The nanoparticle is too small to be visible to the naked eye or conventional microscopes. Examples of nanoparticles can be found in asbestos, volcanic ash, ocean spray, fine sand, dust, and biological matters such as viruses.
What makes nanoparticles interesting for man-made applications are their completely different properties (optical, chemical, magnetic, biological, electrical, and mechanical) compared to the same material in bulk. Consequently, nanoparticles are used in a wide range of applications such as water purification, advanced computer chip technology, long-lasting mobile phone batteries, disease diagnosis, surgical tool enhancements, targeted medication delivery etc. Nanoparticles can even be designed to target specific cells or give a controlled drug release. These particles can be made of biodegradable materials, allowing the body to metabolize them easily.
Nanotechnology and the human body
The human body is an intricate system, and the effectiveness of its absorption is determined by an array of factors, not just limited to the size of a particle. For example, the amount that reaches the body’s systemic circulation highly depends on the particle dissolvability in water (hydrophilicity) or oil (lipophilicity). The particles must be sufficiently hydrophilic to dissolve in body fluids at the site of absorption, but also sufficiently lipophilic to pass biological membranes.
The active component nicotine inside traditional Snus, for example, has both hydrophilic and lipophilic properties and can easily pass through the mucous membranes under the lip and be rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream. However, the active components of Cannabis (THC, CBD, etc.), are only lipophilic in nature and not easily absorbed via a pouch under the lip.
Proprietary nanotechnology in Voon CBD hemp pouches
To tackle this absorption hurdle, Voon has developed a unique nanotechnology to alter the oily nature of cannabinoids into a water-soluble form, for a fast release from the pouch. The tiny nanoparticles allow direct passage across the biological membranes under the lip & gums, thus direct absorption into the bloodstream. Voon users can then enjoy the benefits of its CBD hemp contents faster and more effectively.
To make the most out of Voon CBD Hemp Pouches, wedge the pouch between the upper gum and inner lip, leave for 30-45 minutes to ensure a full release of the contents and flavours. Each Voon pouch offers 20mg of nano-infused CBD hemp and come in a delicious range of flavours – Pink Grape, Snazzy Tangerine, Fresh Spearmint and Wintergreen. The recommended daily dosage will depend on the individual and as advised by the doctor.
Please visit the Voon website to find out more about these CBD hemp pouches – and order a starter kit to see which flavour you like best!