NEW EndoTherm Duo Modular Range RO system (for endoscopy and sterile services applications) from Envirogen Group.
Envirogen Group’s new EndoTherm Duo Modular Range is a range of reverse osmosis (RO) systems designed to meet the water quality standards of HTM01-06, HTM01-01, ISO15883 and AS/NZ 4187. Suitable for endoscopy and CSSD applications, this modular and upgradeable range can be set to operate at ambient or elevated temperatures (user adjustable) with automatic thermal sanitisation taking place out of hours. All models can be electric or steam heated. A combination of reverse osmosis, ultra-violet disinfection, sub-micron filtration and constant recirculation all work together to maintain good water quality at a range of dispense rates, matched to the decontamination equipment. Assembled on three prefabricated modules for fast installation and optimum use of available space.
Below, you can watch a short video overview of Envirogen Group’s EndoTherm Duo Modular Range
For further information on Envirogen Group’s EndoTherm Duo Modular Range:
Call 01773 441029
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